Global Ehsan Relief UK: Complaints and Feedback Policy

At Global Ehsan Relief UK, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional service to our donors, volunteers, supporters, and beneficiaries. Despite our best efforts, we understand that occasionally things may not go as planned. Your feedback is vital to us, and we take your comments about our services very seriously. We strive to respond promptly and appropriately and view your feedback as an opportunity for learning and improvement. We are committed to handling every complaint with utmost seriousness, sensitivity, discretion, and understanding. You will be treated with courtesy and fairness, and we will thoroughly investigate any issues raised. 

Our Commitment

We aim to:

Acknowledge receipt of your complaint within seven working days.

Provide a detailed written response within thirty working days of receiving all necessary information.


How to File a Complaint

If something has gone wrong or you are dissatisfied with any aspect of our work, please first address your complaint informally with the concerned person or service. Often, they can resolve the issue quickly. Should you feel that your complaint has not been adequately resolved, you may escalate it to a formal complaint. Please ensure your complaint clearly and briefly outlines:

  • What went wrong
  • When and where it happened
  • Who was involved
  • Desired outcome
  • Your name, address, and contact details (phone and/or email)


Contact Us

You can email us (subject ‘Formal Complaint’) at or send a letter to:

Complaints: Global Ehsan Relief UK 63 Nesfield Street Bradford BD1 3ET

We will acknowledge your complaint within seven working days of receipt. We might need to ask some questions or seek information from others. A final response will be provided within thirty working days once we have all the necessary information to investigate your complaint. This response will outline any actions we will take or general improvements we plan for our services. If we anticipate that the investigation will take longer, we will keep you informed with written updates every thirty working days. This might occur if the investigation is complex or requires multiple statements.

Further Steps

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint or the way it has been managed, you can escalate it to the Board of Trustees at Global Ehsan Relief UK. Send an email (marked ‘Formal Complaint to Chair’) to or write to:

Chair of Trustees - Global Ehsan Relief UK 63 Nesfield Street Bradford BD1 3ET

You will receive a written acknowledgement within seven working days. Your complaint will be investigated and overseen by the Chair of Trustees, with a response approved by the Chair within thirty working days.

Our Promise

We view all comments and complaints as opportunities to enhance our services. We are committed to acknowledging any mistakes, sincerely apologising for them, and ensuring they do not reoccur in the future. Thank you for helping us to serve you better.